Stencil Brush 8 Brons


  • Brons Stencil Brush No 8
  • Made of high quality synthetic bristles
  • Short handle
  • Silvery brush ferrule

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Lisa Soovinimekirja
Lisa Soovinimekirja
SKU: BR-664 Category: Tag:


Stencil brush from Brons is the perfect tool for creating beautiful and refined stencil patterns. It’s made from high quality synthetic bristles that are soft and flexible, yet durable enough to withstand frequent use. The bristles are tightly packed, which allows for very precise and even application.

The Brons stencil brushes are available in various sizes to suit different types of stencil work. Smaller sizes are ideal for creating delicate and detailed designs, while larger sizes are great for larger areas.


High quality synthetic bristles that are soft, flexible and durable.
Densely packed bristles for precise and even application of colours
Available in different sizes to fit various stencil projects
Easy to use and clean


Design beautiful and sophisticated stencil designs with ease.
Enjoy precise and even colour application
Possibility to pick the right brush size for your job
Easy to clean and maintain

How to use:

Apply the paint to the brush and hold the brush at a 90-degree angle to your stencil.
Apply the paint using light, even strokes.
Take care not to apply too much pressure to the brush as this can cause the paint to bleed underneath the stencil.
Once the stencil is completely painted, lift the brush straight up.
Allow the paint to completely cure before removing the stencil.

Maintenance guidelines:

Wash the brush thoroughly with warm water and a mild soap after each use.
Reshape the bristles with your fingers and lay the brush flat for drying.
Do not keep the brush wet.

Additional tips:

If you use a brush to apply more than one colour, be sure to clean the brush between each colour thoroughly.
For a more textured effect, try spotting the paint onto the stencil.

Example of uses:

Creating beautiful and complex wall designs
Personalise your furniture and household items
Add a hand-made touch of personality to your work
Create unique and eye-catching greeting cards and invitations.